go backIPA /'mud̪ai/ — no meaning, I just shortened my first name 'Muhamed' and my last name 'Aissaoui'.

Hi there, I'm Muhamed aka mudai.

I'm a software engineer from Tunisia passionate with web development and devtools that help developers be more productive and makes their life easier. My passion for development started 4 years ago when I first used React to build a small project of my own, a project built from the ground up by me that I can call mine.

This gave me such a fulfilling feeling which led to me researching more about React and web development in general, in my research I stumbled upon Theo's youtube channel around 2 years ago and his passion for next.js and devtools made me more passionate myself. From there, bless the youtube algorithm, I kept finding more and more cool people and learned a lot from them. People like ThePrimeAgen who made me passionate about backend, low-level programming (Rust), and performance, and many more cool people that helped me in my learning journey.

My main focus these days is building products for clients as a freelancer (if you're interested in working together reach out to me) and contributing to open source. When I'm not touching my keyboard at 120wpm, I touch grass instead by hiking, jogging, or spending time with friends. I also really love reading about history (hint the statue of Hannibal in the homepage).